Eight best life lessons from the Bhagavad Gita

Here are eight best life lessons from the Bhagavad Gita that everyone must read for sure.

Eight life lessons from the Bhagavad Gita

1)      Whatever happens, happens for the good

Whatever is happening is happening for good. Whatever will happen will happen for good.

God has plans for each one of us. Every minute of our life has been pre-decided and planned by him. It is his way of testing us by getting difficulties in our lives. Whatever has happened, is happening, or will happen is all as per his wishes for our good. We must trust his plans without giving any second thoughts.

2)      Expecting Nothing Does the wonders.

Concentrate on your goal, do your work without expecting or focusing on the results

Keep working to your full potential, and don't expect any reward in return. It is the most important qualification of a true karma yogi to work without expectations for achieving nirvana. You can learn more about the same from a Bhagavad Gita course.

3)      Face your battles with confidence

Human life is full of battles. Never back out in fear. Fight to the last. Stand on your ground.

Expectations and fears limit our possibilities and bring us down. Every day in life is a battle. Do not be afraid of it. Face your challenges boldly. One day you will succeed.

4)      Get rid of fake attachments.

We came empty-handed to the world. We will leave it empty-handed.

We came stark naked to this world, and we will leave it naked. Often we become so attached to our possessions that we forget that they are temporary. Attachment to things controls our actions where it should be just the opposite.

5)      As he believes, so he is

Man is made by his belief. Man is what he makes himself to be. His happy thoughts make him a happy person, and sad thoughts make him a sad person. That is why it is important always to have positive thoughts to retain positivity in life.

6)      You're your friend and enemy.

You can rise through the efforts of his mind or draw yourself down through your self-doubts.

Only you can find the solution to your problems in life. No one else can do it for you. Look within to find answers to your questions. For if you don't believe in yourself, no one else will.

7)      Change is permanent

This is the Universal Law. He can either become a millionaire or a pauper in a second.

Nothing is ever permanent in our lives. Day follows night and vice versa. Seasons change one after the other, making relieving rains come after hot monsoons. Being proud of your wealth is foolish as you can lose everything in a minute. Being prepared for change helps us face the tough situations in life.

8)      Lust, Anger, and Greed lead to self-destruction.

Lust will make you its slave and destroy your life. Anger will make people think you are dominating them and destroy your relationships. Greed will make you restless and cause you a lot of misery through jealousy.

Take a Bhagavad Gita course to learn about more such valuable life lessons.


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